Contendunt Becomes The First Parkour Organisation To Join CALM!

Contendunt Becomes The First Parkour Organisation To Join CALM!

So, this announcement is pretty big!
Yesterday I had a call with the mental health charity we support, Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) about the work we have been doing at Contendunt.
This call started with CALM asking us about what we do at Contendunt, and how we try our best to provide our lifestyle sports communities with accessible mental health information and resources to normalise the conversation about mental health.


CALM personally invited us to join "CALM Clubs".
So, I am excited to announce that Contendunt is now a CALM Club!
But you're probably wondering what a CALM Club actually is...


 "CALM Clubs" was created for organisations to build awareness and engagement with CALM. Their focus is to help these community focused groups and events by providing resources to help them spread the mental health messages within their communities.


We were invited to join CALM Clubs as we work to spread awareness and encourage conversations about mental health within our training sessions and communities. CALM are helping us by providing information, resources, and further ongoing support.


Being a CALM Club enables us to access resources and drive more purpose into the work that we are doing within our communities.


So there will be some exciting changes coming up which we will be announcing soon!

Finally, I want to end this post by saying a massive thank you to everyone for their support. Without the support from our amazing community, we wouldn't be in this position!

You make us great!



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Show Your Support For Mental Health

We donate 20% of all sales to the mental health charity "Campaign Against Living Miserably" (CALM)