2023 - Our Impact on Mental Health in Sports

2023 - Our Impact on Mental Health in Sports

In 2023, we continued our mission on tackling mental health stigma, and making mental health conversation and information more accessible within our sporting communities. 

In December, we conducted a community survey to gain some feedback from our community. For us, this feedback is crucial as it is important in making us aware of what we are doing well, and where we could improve in the future. 


Charity Donations:

In 2023, we donated a total of £659.54 to mental health charities. This is an incredibly large amount and we are incredibly thankful to our incredible community for their support in helping us raise such a huge amount for mental health charities.


Experience on Our Online Shop:

We asked our community about their online shopping experience on our online store - here's what they had to say. 


What Do You Love Most About Contendunt?

We asked our community what they love most about Contendunt. This allows us to gain feedback about why you choose to support us and our message! Here's what the community had to say!


Did You Learn Something About Mental Health From Contendunt This Year?

This question is important to us! In an ideal world, this would be at 100%! Out of all the people who answered the survey, 94.7% of respondents said they learnt something about mental health from us this year. 

This gives us a great starting figure to try and improve on for next year, and allows us to improve our focus on delivering more mental health information and resources in our content and social channels. 


Has Contendunt Had A Positive Impact On You This Year?

Besides the horrific spelling error in the image, 94.4% of respondents said that Contendunt had a positive impact on them this year. Again, this is a number we would love to be at 100%, and it gives us a great starting figure to build on in the future. 


What Our Community Thinks

We finished the survey by asking the community for some feedback from this year. This was their chance to leave their thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the work we have done at Contendunt this year. This was the chance to let us know what we had done well, and where we could improve. 

The positive response we received in this section of the survey was overwhelming and heartwarming. Hearing so many personal stories shared by individuals really warmed my heart, and I want to thank everyone who felt comfortable enough to share their story about mental health and/or Contendunt in the survey.


Thank you once again for an incredible year. It's been brilliant, and we have some amazing foundations to continue our mission for mental health going into 2024. 

If you need support for your mental health, you can visit the helplines page on our website, where we have the helplines for over 100 different countries and regions listed. 


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Show Your Support For Mental Health

We donate 20% of all sales to the mental health charity "Campaign Against Living Miserably" (CALM)